What kind of buds are these — from Skeetkill Creek Marsh late last month?
Monthly Archives: April 2013
Photography Showcase: Mike Malzone
Today's showcased photographer is Mike Malzone. Mike writes:
I’m originally from Paterson, (born and raised) so I never knew anything about the Meadowlands ‘til I moved into the area in 1998.

Even then, I had never explored
the area ‘til just a few years ago.
As I ventured further into my
photographic future, I began
exploring places like DeKorte Park.
After becoming a volunteer at the
park's William McDowell Observatory, I discovered the
Bergen County Audubon Society
and focused my efforts on wildlife photography.
The closest and most convenient location I found to photograph was less
than one half mile from my art studio in Kearny.
Continue reading
More Tree Swallow Boxes Installed @ DeKorte
Star-Ledger’s Review of ‘Nature of the Meadowlands’
The Star-Ledger has a wonderful review of "The Nature of the Meadowlands" today by Terry Golway, director of the Kean University Center for History, Politics, and Policy.
A sample: "This book is more than a tribute to the vision of those who saw the Meadowlands as something more than a dump.
"It is testimony to the efforts of staff and volunteers of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission, the Meadowlands Conservation Trust and other individuals who have devoted their lives to this wonderful reclamation project."
The link is here:
Snapping Turtles in Love
Allan Sanford’s Latest DeKorte Pix
"Jackie and I really enjoyed walking the park the last two days. Yesterday she pointed out a Common Yellowthroat and tonight when I was admiring a what I thought was a Robin she recognized it to be a Orchard Oriole and his potential mate.
"I included pics of the male Common Yellowthroat (above) and the male Orchard Oriole plus a Barn Swallow I thought was cool." (Thanks, Allan!)
Two more pix (of OrOr and Barn Swallow) follow.
Double Your Fun: Two Free Walks on Sunday, May 5
Early May is prime time for seeing migratory birds — especially warblers — and to celebrate, we are adding a free guided walk on Sunday, May 5. It's the Early Bird Special at Losen Slote Creek Park in Little Ferry, a great wooded area for warbler-watching.
We'll also have our annual Losen Slote May walk the same day, at 10 a.m.
Details follow.
Two Eaglets in Ridgefield Park Nest
Scouts Planting Trees in Harrier Meadow May 4
In conjunction with National Wildlife Week, North Arlington Boy Scout Troop 120 will plant native 50 trees in the Harrier Meadow marsh on Saturday, May 4, from 10:30 a.m. to noon.
The planting, sponsored by the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society, is part of the National Wildlife Federation’s efforts to restore wildlife habitat destroyed by Superstorm Sandy last fall.
The 70-acre Harrier Meadow, located just below Schuyler Avenue in North Arlington, was one of the many natural areas in the Meadowlands hit hard by the late October hurricane.
Many trees and shrubs were destroyed, and others seriously damaged from the influx of saltwater.
The site, owned and maintained by the Meadowlands Commission, provides vital resting habitat for migratory songbirds and important habitat for wintering owls.
The 75th annual National Wildlife Week, March 18-24, is the National Wildlife Foundation’s education program designed around teaching and connecting kids to the wonders of nature. The group has donated 75,000 trees to be planted nationwide this spring.
The North Arlington scouts will plant 50 native trees, including Red Cedar, Winterberry, Red Osier Dogwood and Serviceberry trees, and remove storm-related debris.
Ron Shields’ Kingsland Overlook Pix
Ron writes: "Here's a sampling of the wonderful photo opportunities to be had on the Kingsland Overlook Trail." (Thanks, Ron!)
BTW, the Meadowlands Marsh Hawks are competing in the World Series of Birding on Saturday, May 11, to raise money for improvements to this wonderful birding (and butterflying) area of DeKorte.
It is named the Kingsland Overlook because so many folks tend to overlook it.
(Not really, but don't you overlook it!)