A walk alone reminds us why we love birding.
Photo courtesy of Jeff Nicol.
Don Torino, who leads a lot of our walks, also writes a weekly column for wildnewjersey.tv. His latest is on birding alone. Here’s a sample: :
It is usually by chance that I find myself alone with my binoculars pursuing a Peregrine Falcon through its aeronautical maneuvers over the Meadowlands or walking the woods listening for a Wood Thrush.
It happens as a blissful accident that I find a last minute free moment that allows me to venture out to a favorite birding spot. Sometimes it happens when a friend has a last minute change of plans that leaves me unaided to visit with the local birds.
Other times it may just be that I arrive early for an event, and discover a woodlot of Warblers contesting about high in the Oaks, that I begin my lone quest into nature for what may be just a short social call with my feathered friends.
As limited as my stay may be, something special seems to happen when I am silent and only the sounds of the winds through the leaves and the calls of the birds drift through the air; I begin to remember why I truly love the birds.
The link is here.