Daily Archives: January 31, 2014

Snowy Owl Pellet — Up Close


Ever wonder what a Snowy Owl pellet looks like?

Ray Gilbert found this one yesterday along the berm that parallels the Transco Trail. (Thanks, Ray!)

If anyone recognizes what this pellet once was, let us know.

Below, another photo to give you an idea of just how large this pellet is.


What to Expect in February

Roy Teaser

To see what we might expect in February, we thought we’d look back to some highlights from Februray 2013.  Just click on the text to link to the post.

Feb. 3: American White Pelican, Kearny Marsh

Feb. 5: Just Before Sunrise, Mill Creek Marsh

Feb. 10: DeKorte Park Photographer Snowcase

Feb. 11: Amazing Rare Bird Report from Chris Takacs

Feb. 12: Tuesday Teaser: Funky feet (above)

Feb. 18: A Bald Eagle for Presidents Day, by Ron Shields

Feb. 22: Huge Killdeer Eggs Found on Disposal Road