Chris Takacs writes:
Got a distant cropped photo of Eurasian Green-winged Teal today at River Barge Park. Other birds of note, Redhead pair, American Coot, and Lesser Scaup, all on river by the boat docks.
(Thanks, Chris!)
Please note: The Meadowlands Environment Center in DeKorte Park now has limited access on weekends.
As always, the park itself will remain open from dawn to dusk, and a park attendant will be on site and available if you need assistance.
The Environment Center will continue to be open on weekends for regularly scheduled walks and programs. Continue reading
A quick visit to Laurel Hill earlier this week found a totally rebuilt Common Ravens’ nest and two Common ravens nearby.
Ravens last nested here in 2011, and the nest was totally washed away by Hurricane Sandy in the fall of 2012.
The photos below show each of the ravens perched on a different light pole at Laurel Hill, plus a very large mystery bird in the distance. ID help would be appreciated. It appeared to be an adult, and an older one at that.