Daily Archives: June 10, 2014

Black Skimmers Continue

SkimmerInFlightJana Brusich passed along this shot of a Black Skimmer in flight, taken in the Maedowlands this weekend.

NJMC staffers report seeing at least five Black Skimmers at River Barge Park on Sunday afternoon, and two were seen in a natural area at noon today. They are definitely around!

(Thanks, Jana!)

Osprey Update

IMG_0902As far as we can tell, we may have five active Osprey nests in the Meadowlands, including a nest on the Upper Hack Life Bridge that was a “starter nest” the past two years.

We have reports that the oldest nest in the Meadowlands, in Jersey City, is active again. In addition, Ospreys have rebuilt the nest on the radio tower by the swing bridge in Secaucus. There is activity in the nest in Carlstadt and in the nest off Valley Brook…  potentially five nests in all.

Please let us know of any significant activity at any of the nests.

Archival Secaucus Pig Farm Pix


A photograph of the old Himsel farm.

Pamela Jackson of Mahwah saw one of our blog posts about the old days of Secaucus and wanted to share some family photos of the days when her ancestors lived in town.

She writes:

“My Great Grandfather, John Himsel, had a pig farm off of Penhorn Road in Secaucus.  I have amazing photos of what that area looked like before the Turnpike and the population expanded in that area (circa, 1920s).

“My Great Aunt told me that the Penhorn Creek was so clear that you could see the fish swimming close to the bottom at some distance from the shoreline.”

(Thanks, Pamela!)

More pix follow.

Tomorrow: An old newspaper clipping about a two-headed pig in Secaucus.