Monthly Archives: January 2015

Louis Balboa’s DeKorte Eagle Shots

9S3A8225Louis Balboa writes:

“I  got some eagle shots on Disposal Road on two days last week. Here are a few.”

(Thanks, Louis!)

A Report from Losen Slote

tree sparrowDennis Cheeseman writes:

Haven’t been to Losen Slote Park in Little Ferry in awhile, but I got out there on Thursday and must say I like how the trails have been more clearly marked now.   This will make it easier when the vegetation grows back to navigate around.

There were a few eagles hanging around there on Thursday.   I think they were checking out the pond.

Lots of sparrows and woodpeckers about in there also.    Attached are a few pics —  not my best but it hard to hold still when it is 15 degrees out there and the wind is howling.

(Thanks, Dennis!)

Dennis asks, btw, if nearby Mehrhof Pond part of this challenge. The short answer is no.

Disposal Road Is Closed!

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, Disposal Road is closed to all vehicular traffic — including weekends.

A substantial construction project is under way along the road for the foreseeable future and ALL access to the construction area, whether vehicular or on foot, is prohibited.

The portions of Disposal Road outside of the construction area may be accessed by foot, but please be advised that construction vehicles and equipment move throughout the site and that if you choose to enter Disposal Road by foot, you are doing so at your own risk.

Please use Valley Brook Avenue to access DeKorte Park. You can access Disposal Road on foot by parking in DeKorte Park and taking the Transco Trail. Disposal Road is a private, unmaintained road that is closed to vehicular traffic.

We appreciate your cooperation.

The Canvasbacks Are Back @ DeKorte

207A4450Ron Shields writes:

I checked out the duckage  at DeKorte Park earlier  this week and was extremely impressed.

The Canvasbacks (19 in number) huddled close to shore allowing for some good photo opportunities despite the conditions.  (Thanks, Ron!)


How to Search This Blog

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Trying to find something on the blog — an upcoming walk, a certain photographer’s photos, posts on Muskrats, sightings of a favorite raptor?

Don’t forget that you can search 5 years of blog posts by using the Google search engine in the upper-right part of the blog. Let the searches begin.

‘Snow Duck,’ ‘Snow Goose’ at Mill Creek

Dennis Cheeseman got these shots (and the accompanying I.D.s) during a recent winter precipitation event at Mill Creek Marsh. (Thanks, Dennis!)

Next up for Dennis: snowy owls and snowy egrets, no doubt.

Owl-Pellet Tuesday Teaser Answered

On Tuesday, we asked readers to I.D. the owls who coughed up these four pellets in the Meadowlands.

We said we are certain of two of the three pellet producers, and have a hunch who the other coughivore was.

The first pellet is from a Barn Owl. We saw it this week, flying away from the drop zone.

Middle photo: We think these two pellets are from a Long-eared Owl.

Right-hand Photo: Snowy Owl pellet, found by Ray Gilbert last winter along the Transco Trail.