Monthly Archives: January 2015

Ron Shields’ Ridgefield Park Eagle Pix


Alice by the nest (on left)

Ron Shields stopped by the Bald Eagle nest late last month and managed to get photos of the Alice near the nest, and Al eating a fish. In the one close-up, you can see Alice’s antenna. (Thanks, Ron!)

Don’t miss Ron’s talk at the Meadowlands Environment Center on Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 2 p.m.

Marbled Godwit @ DeKorte on Saturday


Chris Takacs reports:

Marbled Godwit showed up in the Shorebird Pool again, found Saturday morning by Doug Morel. It was associating with Gulls and ducks on the ice.<

It was seen by a dozen or so birders in DeKorte working on the 2015 year list. This was a bonus for everyone. Orange-crowned Warbler was seen as well yesterday on the Kingsland Overlook.

Thanks, Chris — neither bird was seen on today’s walk, alas.


Vote for the 2014 Bird of the Year!

In conjunction with our latest South Bergenite column, which follows, we are asking members of the Meadowblog community to vote for their favorite Meadowlands bird of 2014. So read the column by the NJMC’s Jim Wright — and then vote!

For local nature lovers, this past year will be remembered as a year of rare and unexpected birds — so many, in fact that we at the N.J. Meadowlands Commission would like you to vote for the 2014 Meadowlands Bird of the Year.

You can credit NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse for the idea. “We have seen so many amazing birds this year,” he said recently. “Why don’t we have local nature lovers vote for their favorite?”

When Mike speaks, I listen.

We started going over a list of cool birds that had been seen in the past 12 months — in addition to our usual array of terrific birds – and soon realized we had our work cut out for us. Continue reading

Laurel Hill Banded Peregrine is from Atlantic City


Earlier this week, Richard Brown wrote to the blog about a pair of falcons at Laurel Hill Park in Secaucus.

One of the falcons then perched on a ball field light and I got some photos.He was able to read the band on its leg:  Black 23 / Green AN.

We asked if anyone could provide more info. Peregrine whiz Mike Girone responded immediately:

That is Laurel Hill’s resident female. She was banded as a nestling by Kathy Clark at the Atlantic City Hilton in 2012.

Greg Gard passed along the information to us as well.

(Thanks, Mike, Greg and Richard!)



Thursday’s Walk: The Full List

IMG_6908As promised, we are posting the full list of birds seen on our New Year’s Day Walk with Bergen County Audubon. Highlights included lots of Green-winged Teal, a few Northern Harriers and those two Bald Eagles.

Thanks to Marie Longo for the photos, and thanks to Marie, Mary Kostus and Peggy O’Neill for their help with the following list. Thanks to all our participants, including ths folks into this group shot. We suspect the guy on the right has been birding a tad too long.

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