10 – noon
Textural Expression: Letting your Inner Artist Bloom
Teens and adults, Meadowlands Environment Center
A two-hour session on how to greater express the world around you using chalk pastels. Participants will explore texture and color to create a fantasy inspired landscape. Each person will walk away with a finished piece that will inspire a taste for art. No experience necessary. Supplies are covered in the cost of the class. $15/person; $12 MEC members. Pre-registration required, register here.
2 – 3 pm
The Buzz about Bees
All ages, Meadowlands Environment Center
Join Meadowlands beekeeper Erik Swanson as he gives a family-friendly talk about honeybees, why they are so important and why they are in trouble. You’ll also be able to observe live bees up-close in an observation hive. Erik will have his Meadowlands honey for sale. $6/person; $5 MEC members. Register here please.