Daily Archives: September 27, 2015

Eclipse Update

The moon is starting to rise above the clouds and we are optimistic for a good viewing of tonight’s Total Lunar Eclipse at the William D. McDowell Observatory at DeKorte Park. We will update the blog again at 9 pm. Status updates are also available by calling 201-460-4619.

Don’t Forget: Total Lunar Eclipse Viewing Tonight at McDowell Observatory

DSC_0039Don’t forget to head to DeKorte Park’s William D. McDowell Obsevatory tonight to view the Total Lunar Eclipse. We’ll be open from 7:30 pm to 1:30 am for this free public program. Visitors can view the stages of the eclipse with the naked eye as our experts explain what’s happening and view Saturn, Neptune and other astronomical objects through our state-of-the-art telescope.  There will also be talks on the history of eclipses at 7:30 and 8 pm The height of the eclipse, when the Earth is positioned completely between the Full Moon and the Sun, is at approximately 10:45 pm. We will update the status of the event here if the weather looks iffy, so be sure to visit the page later in the day.