Daily Archives: August 4, 2016

Sign Up for a Pontoon Boat Tour!

boat pic 4-Jimmy Macaluso

Don’t forget to sign up for our pontoon boat and canoe tours! The guided trips offer an awesome view of the Meadowlands from a unique vantage point. We take you up and down the Hackensack River and, depending on tides, through the Mill Creek Marsh, Saw Mill Creek and other areas. The trips make for great photo opportunities too (though we ask that you do not bring tripods). Tours go through late September.

The trips fill up fast, so don’t wait to register. You can also request special group tours. For more info click here

Don Torino’s Life In The Meadowlands: Provide Water for the Birds this Summer

water cardinal 2

Now that we are in the midst of one of the hottest summers on record I get very concerned that our backyard birds cannot find enough water. Many of us grew up playing close to a pond or stream where we once caught frogs, watched Snapping Turtles and observed beautiful birds like the Baltimore Oriole bathing and drinking.

Unfortunately many of those places that we and our wildlife enjoyed so much are gone for good, the victim of urban sprawl and unchecked development . While we have indoor plumbing and swimming pools that we can use for our water, our birds are not so lucky. Unless birds can find a suitable water source they cannot survive.

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