Daily Archives: August 8, 2016

Join the BCAS


We’re extremely fortunate to have the Bergen County Audubon Society as a partner here at the NJSEA. From their twice-monthly guided nature walks throughout the Meadowlands and their sponsorhip and hard work in making our annual Butterfly Day and other events such a success, the BCAS is an invaluable organization that truly makes a difference in helping birds and the environment to thrive.

Bergen Audubon relies on its dedicated volunteer staff and just posted about how to join. Check out more info on this incredibly worthwhile organization here

Awesome Walk!

dekorte august 16

The 40 people who came out to DeKorte Park for yesterday morning’s BCAS Nature Walk were treated to sightings of 30 birds, butterflies and moths! You don’t have to wait until the next walk on Tuesday, Aug. 16, at Mill Creek Marsh to see for yourself. Come on down to DeKorte this week!

Here’s a species list from yesterday:

Immature bald eagle
> red tailed hawk
>  caspian tern
> forsters tern
> least bitterns
> dowitcher
> stilt sandpiper
> lesser yellow legs
> greater yellow legs
> semi-palmated sandpiper
> least sandpiper
> semi palmated plover
> mute swan
> double crested cormorant
> yellow warbler
> cedar waxwing
> song sparrow
> barn swallow
> laughing gull
> mallards ruddy duck
> red-winged blackbird
> mourning dove robin
> great egret
> snow egret
> black crowned night heron
> Snowberry Clearwing Moth

American Lady

Red Admiral

Silver-spotted Skipper

Zabulon Skipper