DeKorte Bird Report: 043011

Julie McCall reports:

In addition to the surprise of a male Eastern Bluebird  Saturday morning, some other highlights at DeKorte today included Indigo Bunting (male and female all morning near the entrance to the park), a gorgeous male Blackburnian Warbler, a Brown Thrasher, and some flyover Common Loons early in the morning.

Double-crested Cormorants put on a good show with a swimming group of 50+ in the West Pool near the Marsh Discovery Trail, before breaking up into smaller groups throughout the park.

No luck with signs of a kite or a phalarope, but there were plenty of good birds to go around: 65+ species. (Thanks, Julie!)

One thought on “DeKorte Bird Report: 043011

  1. Mike G.

    Thanks Julie. I stopped down at DeKorte 3 times yesterday trying to see one of the rails or the kite, but Nada.


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