DeKorte: Two Bald Eagles Saturday

Marco Lips reports:

We saw two Bald Eagles yesterday, far down the Saw Mill Creek Mudflats, towards the turnpike, sitting on a muddy patch.

First one, and it's a life bird for me, so this was awesome, but then another flew in and joined.

They sat there for a long while, then took off, did a little skirmish in the air, some short fake fight I believe, and eventually took off into the direction of the ballfield on Valley Brook. (Thanks, Marco!)

(Note: You'll need a good spotting scope to see these eagles if they are out near the turnpike.)

2 thoughts on “DeKorte: Two Bald Eagles Saturday

  1. Fred

    Great photos, Who would think Bald Egagles By pike road. Amazing pictures. Thanks to folds like you are out there in this winter weather capturing these Eagles and many different ducks and burds , Thank you for sharing these photos.


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