Monthly Archives: November 2008



NJMC's Erica Mueller reports:  "I talkIMG_6236ed with the Raptor Trust over the weekend.

  "The snowy egret has a badly luxated elbow and will not be releasable.
   "However, there is good news in that he has a permanent home.
   "He was transported to the Bronx Zoo on Saturday, and he will live there in the aviary."
   A great job all around.
   The earlier injured-egret post is here.


   We saw this growing out of a juniper tree while we were on a guided walk last week in Harrier Meadow.
   Some of us touched it — and then we realized that it was likely Poison Ivy.

   Any dissenting opinions?
   We washed our hands thoroughly with soap and water as soon as we could, and got no rash.
   But we were reminded of a basic lesson of walking in the wild — don't touch plants, especially when you're unsure what they are.
   More on Poison Ivy here.


L1050390 (Photo by Sally Teschon)

     Wedneday was another beautiful day for a Harrier Meadow guided bird walk.

    The two-hour walk drew 11 birders and naturalists who seemed to like the low-keyed approach, the beautiful views, the changing season and the serenity of the site.

  Highlights included a close American Kestrel and three other raptor species, assorted ducks, a Belted Kingfisher or two, and a small flock of Cedar Waxwings.

   Click "Continue reading" for a list of birds seen on the walk.

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HARBOR HERONS: Thanking the volunteers

IMG_0999-1    This year's Harbor Herons Project surveys in the Meadowlands are now completed, and the volunteers who kept regular tabs on all these magnificent birds can catch their breath.

  It was a real team effort. Credit goes to Nellie Tsipoura of the New Jersey Audubon Society for running the volunteer effort, Kate Ruskin of NJAS for coordinating it.

   What's more, a big thank you goes out to the following volunteers for all their dedication and hard work…

   Kingsland Impoundment- Camille Gutmore, Kim Mendillo
   Sawmill Creek- John and Sue Schmerler, Jerry Golub
   Harrier Meadows- Tom and Judy Honohan, Jay Wiggins, Heidi Cleven, Joanne Kornoelje
   Secaucus H.S./Mill Creek Marshes- Mary Jo Marino, John Jegla, Chris Takacs, John Tyler
   Richard P. Kane Natural Area- Scott McCoy
   MRI- Lorraine Novinski
   Kearny Brackish and Freshwater Marshes- John Kandybowicz
   Skeetkill Creek Marsh- Don Torino
   Overpeck Creek: Terry Milligan and Andrew Burmester



The TV show "Your Meadowlands" has a  segment Tv icon this month on the Meadowlands Blog, including some behind-the-scenes footage of how the blog is put together. 

  Some have called the segment the fastest three minutes on TV. Tune in and decide for yourself.

   Click here for more on the TV show, including times when it airs on local cable TV stations.