Christmas Bird Count 2009


    Mike Britt reports:

     "The Lower Hudson Christmas Bird Count [which includes the Meadowlands] will be held on Sunday, Dec. 20.

   "For those that have never participated before and would like to…please consider that this is a 'great escape' from the masses doing their last minute  Christmas shopping. 

  Button2Click Button below for info about count in general.

Click "Continue reading…." for local details.

  Click here for posts from the 2008 local count.

     "This count actually spans two states (NJ & NY)…we only worry about the Jersey side. To give you an idea of some of the more interesting areas we cover…Liberty State Park and surrounding environs, Lincoln Park (Jersey City), Kearny East, Kearny Marsh, Mill Creek Marsh, Mill Creek Point, Schmidt's Woods, Laurel Hill, Harmon Cove, Cromakill Creek, North Hudson Park, DeKorte and surrounding environs, Harrier Meadow, Saw Mill Creek, and a number of other areas.

   "The more help we have, the more birds we can turn up. Last year we tallied 100 species on our side of the river…highlights included: 4 Orange-crowned Warblers, 4 Barn Owls, Short-eared Owl, Long-eared Owl, 2 Virginia Rails, 2 Common Moorhen (count week), and plenty of other interesting birds.

   Every year after the count we meet at the Big Apple in Bayonne for pub, grub, and tales of our respective outings.

   "Please e-mail  me here  if you would like to participate. There is a $5 fee to participate, which goes to National Audubon and you should (never a guarantee) receive the CBC issue of North American Birds.

   "It is up to you how much time you spend birding that day and that can be coordinated with the territory captain. For best results, most teams start pre-dawn and bird until full dark."

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