Julie McCall writes: "Spent the day birding at DeKorte Park & Disposal Road. It never warmed up to quite what the weather forecast had left me expecting, but a lot of the ice is melting. The ducks are taking advantage."
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Northern Pintail (1)
Ring-necked Duck (2, out at the eastern end of the TransCo Trail, south side)
Wood Duck (1, mingling with the mallards in the Teal Pool near the
Nature Reserve, paying special attention to one little lady)
American Black Duck
Canada Goose
Great Blue Heron (1)
Northern Harrier
Red-tailed Hawk
White-throated Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow (1)
Fox Sparrow (1)
American Crow
Greater Black-backed Gull
(plenty of other gulls)
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Cardinal
Mourning Dove
The Marsh Discovery Trail was open, and though I didn't see much in
the way of birds from there (excepting one Northern Harrier competing
with remote control planes), I did stumble upon the remains of
someone's meal. It was very puzzling, but I think it was an
ex-muskrat. Later, near the environmental center, I found an intact
starling who appeared to have died from natural causes.
No shrike for me today, though the one thing I didn't do was walk the
western Saw Mill Creek Trail.
It was a good day to be out and about. 3 life birds for me; no complaints.