NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse has compiled the bird-banding statistics for September. He and his band of banders banded 52 species and 551 birds total. New species for the three-year project were Scarlet Tanager, Great Crested Flycatcher (above) and Acadian Flycatcher.
Full list follows. Asterisk denotes threatened, enadangered or special-concern species in New Jersey (5 total).
Bird Banding Totals
Erie landfill & Harrier Meadow
Sept. 2010
Total Species 52
Total Birds Banded: 551
American Goldfinch-19
American Kestrel-3 *
American Redstart-10
American Robin-13
Baltimore Oriole-1
Black and White Warbler-2
Blue Grosbeak-3
Blue Jay- 1
Blackpoll Warbler-6
Black-throated Green Warbler-1 *
Canada Warbler-1
Connecticut Warbler-3
Common Yellowthroat-37
Chestnut-sided Warbler-1
Downy Woodpecker-5
Eastern Phoebe-5
Great-crested Flycatcher-1
Gray Catbird-57
Hermit Thrush-1
House Finch-2
House Wren-1
Indigo Bunting-11
Least Flycatcher-8 *
Lincoln's Sparrow-11
Magnolia Warbler-10
Mourning Dove-1
Northern Cardinal-3
Northern Flicker-2
Northern Mockingbird-26
Northern Waterthrush-22
Praire Warbler-3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3
Red-eyed Vireo-2
Red-winged Blackbird-1
Savannah Sparrow-87 *
Scarlet Tanager-1
Song Sparrow-49
Swamp Sparrow-8
Traill's Flycatcher-37
Warblering Vireo-2
White-crowned Sparrow-1
White-eyed Vireo-1
White-throated Sparrow-3
Wilson's Warbler-1
Yellow-breasted Chat-2 *
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher-2
Palm Warbler-53
Yellow Warbler-22
Yellow-rumped Warbler-2