Mike Britt reports:
24 HORNED LARKS looked like they were actively migrating, as they moved south along the Hackie at Mill Creek Point around 11AM [Saturday] morning. Geese moving high overhead as well.
The DeKorte area held 18 SNOW BUNTING which were flying over the Kingsland Landfill…a splinter of the big flock, a RAVEN was observed flying along Valley Brook before it headed out over Oritani Marsh, 2 RED-SHOULDERED HAWKS (adult & immature) were perched on the eastern end of Kingsland at the same time, 5 NORTHERN HARRIERS (one gray ghost, one adult female, three immatures) were patrolling, 2 COOPER'S HAWK (immature male, immature female), an AMERICAN KESTREL was perched on a wire by the old ballfield, and a single WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW.
It was really neat watching the gray ghost "sparrow" the overgrown construction site. He would repeatedly flush the sparrows and fly the same route over and over again in an attempt to catch one off-guard…
Also heard about 4 EASTERN MEADOWLARKS nearby (acting like migrants) and a COMMON REDPOLL roadside along Valley Brook.
(Thanks, Mike!)