The Meadowlands Commission has fielded a great team for our first foray into the World Series of Birding, on Saturday, May 14, but we need your help.
The Meadowlands Marsh Hawks will be exploring every nook and cranny in Bergen County in search of as many bird species as we can.
Your pledge on the number of species of birds seen by the Marsh Hawks will help support bird research projects in the Meadowlands and continue assisting students from Ramapo College of New Jersey gain invaluable experience working with and for conservation efforts in the Meadowlands.
For example, if 120 species are found and your donation is for $1.00/species then the donation towards our research and education program would be $120. All donations are also tax-deductible.
Download a pledge form here: Download Pledge sheet
After the conclusion of the World Series of Birding, we will send you a complete list of the birds counted and a letter totaling your generous donation as a tax-deductible contribution.
Donations to the Marsh Hawks will go to support the N.J. Meadowlands Commission Landfill Bird Banding Project, which has been a great educational tool for Ramapo College of New Jersey students in recent years.
Grassland bird populations are in steep decline due to loss of habitat and poor management practices. The same habitat required for breeding by these species will also provide habitats for migrating and wintering songbirds.
These habitats are crucial as grassland birds, including several threatened and endangered species, need to stop and refuel to make it to there their wintering and breeding destinations. A capped landfill can be a great resource for wildlife if managed correctly because it is an open space that needs to be planted due to runoff and erosion control.
More info follows.
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