Monthly Archives: May 2011

Tom Yezerski’s ‘Meadowlands’ Talk

IMG_2508-1 Tom Yezerski, author of the new children's book "Meadowlands," gave a great free talk last night in the Environment Center — discussing how the book came be, giving insights into the creative process, and sharing his love of the Meadowlands.

Tom will give a free talk and slide show for children and their families on Saturday, June 25, at 10:30 a.m. We hope you can attend.

Bird Report: DeKorte Black Skimmers

Last night at dusk (8:30ish), two Black Skimmers were working the Shorebird Pool near the guardhouse. As far as we know, that was the first sighting of the year. 

Note: Sorry — In the above post I was thinking of DeKorte Park, where the skimmers can really put on some amazing aerial shows for all to see. This spring skimmers have also been seen in Harrier Meadow, by the legendary Meadowlands Marsh Hawks, as well at the Clay Avenue wetlands by Michael Mastropasqua. Thanks to the eagle-eyed readers who pointed out the error of my (hasty) ways.

Pontoon Boat Season starts Thursday!

IMG_1243Beginning on Thursday night, the NJMC is beginning another season of guided boat rides along the Hackensack River and its marshes. These inexpensive two-hour pontoon boat rides are a great way to see the hidden Meadowlands, full of birds and terrapins and Fiddler Crabs.

We had a press preview of the eco-cruises recently, and the reporters had a great time (so did we). We saw a couple of Ospreys, a Bald Eagle, IMG_2367-1Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Peregrine Falcon and  Diamondback Terrapin (photo at left was taken yesterday).

The link to the article by Karen Zautyk in The [Kearny] Observer is here.

The link to Tricia Tirella's article in the Hudson Reporter is here.

The NJMC's Jim Wright also wrote a South Bergenite column about the trip, here.

A complete schedule/registration form is available for download here: Download Pontoon Registration 

These trips are $15 per person for a two-hour cruise, and have to be experienced to be believed.

Tuesday Bonus Teaser, Answered


After photographed saw this warbler flitting from branch to branch near Teal Pool last week, we asked NJMC naturalist what he thought (in spite of the poor photo quality).

His reply: female Blackpoll Warbler. 

Thanks to Kevin Browne and Pam for their answers! (They said female Blackpoll Warbler as well.)

More on Blackpolls here.


New Torino Columns on Losen Slote, Kearny Marsh

Don Torino has a powerful new column on about Losen Slote Park in Little Ferry. Don helps lead the twice-monthly free guidedwalks that the Meadowlands Commission and Bergen County Audubon  — including one earlier this month.

The link to his column is here.

We were out of the office a few days last week and failed to link to Don's column last week, about a family that took it upon themselves to do a Kearny Marsh clean-up for Earth Day. Awesome.

The link to that column is here.

Tuesday Teaser Bonus

IMG_2258 Nobody said ID-ing warblers is easy, especially when it's another rainy day with zero sunlight and the warbler in question is jumping around like it had three cans of Red Bull for brunch.

A couple of park visitors saw this bird on Friday around lunchtime and asked us if we could identify it.

We have a theory, but thought we'd make it a Tuesday Teaser first.

We know the pix are by knows means good, but we are hoping they might make our other photos look better in comparison.

Kearny Marsh Report 052311

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Ron Shields reports:

The water level at the Kearny Marsh continues to be extremely high and, as a result, perches and mudflats remain mostly submerged. 

The carp have been spawning throughout the impoundment and are completely oblivious to my presence.  Such is love! 

Ospreys, Great Blue Herons and Black-crowned Night Herons were observed, as well as a Kestrel (below) perched on the netting of the Keegan Landfill.Copy of IMG_0687-2

‘Meadowlands’ Talk Is TUESDAY

Meadowlands Contrary to a local newspaper article today, Thomas F. Yezerski, author of the enchanting new children's book "Meadowlands: A Wetlands Survival story," will be giving a free talk and slide show at DeKorte Park at 7 p.m. on Tuesday — not tonight

Tom will also be speaking at DeKorte on Saturday, June 25, at 10:30 a.m.

The presentations are brought to you by the N.J. Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society.

The first, for adults, will be tomorrow (Tuesday, May 24) at 7 p.m. The second, for children age 6 and older and their families, will be at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 25.

Copies of the book will be for sale for a discounted price of $14.95 (please bring cash or check, payable to the NJMC), and Tom would be happy to sign and inscribe the books.

Listings info follows.

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