Daily Archives: June 13, 2011

More from Last Sunday’s Walk

We saw a lot more bugs than butterflies on Sunday's Butterfly Walk, though we did see a few Silver-spotted Skippers (above), an Orange Sulphur, a couple of Summer Azures and a (fleeting) Eastern Tiger Swallowtail amid the zillion Cabbage Whites.

We have to say that the bugs — like the Milkweed Bug, Lady Bug, and Lady Bug Larva and assorted bees and spiders– stole the show. 

Bruce Harman has shared a couple of photos below.

Our bug whiz, Hadel, also took plenty of great shots of all sorts of insects, which can be viewed here.  (Thanks, Bruce and Hadel!)Bee-001 Lady-bug-001

New Sensory Garden at DeKorte

P1100394 If you've been wondering what the new garden is by the entrance to the marsh Discovery Trail, wonder no more.

It is our new Sensory Garden.

Here are the details, courtesy of Lisa Cameron of the NJMC's Parks Department:

This most recent feature at DeKorte Park is specifically designed to appeal to the senses.

It is also intended to bring a diversity of plants within reach of visitors with limited mobility.

 You may think of gardens primary as things to look at, but they can also be smelled, touched, tasted and even heard.  There are more than fifty varieties of plants in this small area, all selected for their sensory appeal. More will be added. Name tags – some in Braille – will be added as well.

More text follows.

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