Black Skimmers, Mill Creek Marsh

B Black Skimmer 005a1 MCM Mdwlnds NJ at Twilite 061111 OK-1Mickey Raine reports:

"Elaine and I had gone over to Mill Creek Marsh late Saturday, and just as we were leaving, out of nowhere, a Black Skimmer came gliding by with such silent grace and speed. 

"I really had no time to make any adjustments on the camera setting other than using a night flash to capture some color as it flew by and soared far to the other side, where it surveyed the surface a few times as it met up with two others before flying off.

"The light was very limited [just after sunset], and it happened so quickly, but in any event, it is on record."

Thanks, Mickey!

One thought on “Black Skimmers, Mill Creek Marsh

  1. Mike G.

    There were two skimmers working the east end of the Teal Pool at 6:30 this evening. They worked the area for about ten minutes. It was cloudy and gray, so maybe that’s what brought them out early.


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