Daily Archives: January 11, 2012

DeKorte Bird Report: Goldeneye

Chris Takacs reports:

"Female Common Goldeneye at DeKorte Park continues  this afternoon. Although not uncommon in some areas of the state, it's a tough bird in The Meadowlands, much easier to spot in the Hudson River area of Liberty  State Park.

"It was seen yesterday swimming and fishing by itself in the Teal  Pool. She followed the same behavior this morning. Seen again at 3:30 she was in  the company of 4-6  Buffleheads in the Saw Mill Impoundment. As low tide  arrived and mud flats appeared she followed Bufflehead to deeper water out near NJ Turnpike."   (Thanks, Chris!)

Link to Ron Shields' photos of last January's Goldeneye is here.