Daily Archives: January 30, 2012

Meadowlands Mystery Gull


We came across the above gull at the Keegan Landfill last week, and took it to be an Iceland Gull.

We believe the bird was seen again on Saturday, since a birding group pointed out what they ID'd as an Iceland Gull to Doug Morel, who took the photo below.

Chris Takacs posted the landfill photo on his blog, which elicited an interesting comment from a knowledgeable birder, who suspects the bird is actually a leucistic Herring Gull. (More on leucistic birds here.)

What do you think? Post a comment or e-mail Jim Wright — jimwright (at) njmeadowlands.gov.

Another pic follows on the jump.

2012 Birds 004

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Flyway Gallery: February (Tom Yezerski)

 Yezerski3-1The striking, original illustrations for Thomas F. Yezerski’s acclaimed children’s book, “ Meadowlands: A Wetlands Survival Story,” will be on display for the first time ever at the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission’s (NJMC) Flyway Gallery in the Meadowlands Environment Center (MEC)  today through Friday, March 30.

To celebrate the gallery showing of these full-color illustrations, Yezerski is presenting a free talk and slide show on “Meadowlands,” followed by a book signing in the MEC on Sunday, Feb. 5, from noon to 1:30 p.m. The talk is sponsored by the NJMC and the Bergen County Audubon Society.

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Duck Season at DeKorte

 Canvasback Couple-1
Jana Brusich writes:

"I hadn't been to DeKorte since September, so I stopped by [last week].  So many wintering ducks … My camera was so happy!

"I came across the Common Merganser (below), Shoveler, Gadwall, a large group of Canvasback resting in the Sun (above) and a single Bufflehead  diving in the Teal Pool.  What a good day!"

TOMORROW: Tuesday's Teaser is a Ducky DeKorte Daily Double.

Common Merganser Female11-1