Daily Archives: January 23, 2012

Goldeneye at DeKorte Park

Saw a female Common Goldeneye in Teal Pool at 11:45 a.m. today on our lunchbreak. We know the pic above stinks, but the lighting was poor and the duck was distant.

Around noon she flew and landed fairly close in the nearby Saw Mill Creek Tidal Impoundment. This is just for ID purposes.

Did not see Friday's Pied-billed Grebe, but found Common Mergs, Hooded Mergs, Bufflehead, Shoveler and lots of Canvasbacks on quick inspection. A spotting scope and patience would have likely yielded more species.


Mystery Pods Demystified

Deedee Burnside correctly ID'd the mystery pods photographed by Mickey and Elaine Raine near DeKorte Park, posted last week.

They are wild cucumbers.

About three years ago (how time flies), we posted a different ("greener") shot of them, in Harrier Meadow.

That link is here. (Thanks, all!)

Our 2012 Events and Guided Walks Schedule!


For the past three years, the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society have joined forces to offer a wide range of nature programs to the public, including twice-monthly guided nature walks – plus two inexpensive birding-by-boat trips.

 We are pleased to announce our tentative schedule of more than three dozen events for 2012, with an eye to adding another exciting event or two to the schedule if possible.

Be sure to set aside some very important dates now — such as Butterfly Day, Kevin Karlson Shorebird Day, Birding for Beginners classes, a special April Fool's Day (you'll be perfect for this!), and other must-see events. Not too mention our first-Sunday and third-Tuesday walks.

Click below for full schedule, or download it here:

Download 2012 Schedule for NJMC-BCAS

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