DeKorte Bald Eagle (awesome pic), Plus…

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Billy Kasselow reports:

Got to DeKorte at low tide this morning which was around 9:30. On the far trail going out, there was a huge flock of gulls. Of course, as soon as we got within scoping range of the flock, a BALD EAGLE decided to fly over putting them all up. No complaining about seeing an eagle though.

"A good number of gulls stuck around including a juvenile GLAUCOUS GULL. It was a pale sort of mottled bird, no black on the wing tips, heavy bill with the all black tip and about the size of a herring gull. A RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET was also hanging in the thickets off of the Transco Trail."

Ron Shields got a great shot of the Bald Eagle at 11 a.m., above. (Thanks, Billy and Ron!)  Billy's list follows.

All the regulars also made appearances:
20+ N. Shoveler
30+ N.Pintail
5 Gadwall
10 GW Teal
1 RT Hawk
1 N. Harrier
20+ Bufflehead
30+ Canvasback

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