Got to DeKorte at low tide this morning which was around 9:30. On the far trail going out, there was a huge flock of gulls. Of course, as soon as we got within scoping range of the flock, a BALD EAGLE decided to fly over putting them all up. No complaining about seeing an eagle though.
"A good number of gulls stuck around including a juvenile GLAUCOUS GULL. It was a pale sort of mottled bird, no black on the wing tips, heavy bill with the all black tip and about the size of a herring gull. A RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET was also hanging in the thickets off of the Transco Trail."
Ron Shields got a great shot of the Bald Eagle at 11 a.m., above. (Thanks, Billy and Ron!) Billy's list follows.
All the regulars also made appearances:
20+ N. Shoveler
30+ N.Pintail
5 Gadwall
10 GW Teal
1 RT Hawk
1 N. Harrier
20+ Bufflehead
30+ Canvasback
Great shot Ron.
Thanks for the awe inspiring shot of one of my favorite “bird gifts” from our Creator!
Thanks for sharing nice picture and posting the bird duck info.