Carole Hughes reports:
"Took a quick hour and a half look around DeKorte mid-day. An Orange-crowned Warbler, possibly the same bird reported by Bill Elrick before the new year, was actively working along the edge of the Transco Trail.
"The Ruby-crowned Kinglet also continues and was behind the cedars along Saw Mill. A Belted Kingfisher was calling loudly and persistently from the trail railing.
"The Canvasbacks were very close to the edge, counted 59 today. Found 1 female Common Merganser.
"The usual Shovelers, Pintails, GW Teal were clustered back toward the Kingsland Overlook. Scattered Gadwall and Buffleheads. Didn't find the Common Goldeneye.
"Water levels were quite high after the rain, gulls were scarce. Thought I was going to get skunked on raptors but had a Harrier, an American Kestrel and a Red-tail in rapid succession on the drive out."
Thanks, Carole!