Dennis Cheeseman pulled off a rare feat this week — nice photographs of both a Ruby-crowned Kinglet and a Great Blue Heron at DeKorte Park on the same day.
The Ruby-crown is probably the smallest bird in the park (it weighs less than a quarter ounce), and the GBH, well, they don't call it "great" for nothin'. It weighs more than 336 times as much. Sorry about the bad math when I first posted (Thanks, Rick!) :- )
You can see kinglets and photograph Great Blues on many days, but getting pics of both — especially the hyper-active kinglet — is a challenge. (Thanks, Dennis!)
21 x .25 oz = 5.2 oz. That’s a tiny Great Blue!
The math is right. It puts the Heron a bit over 5 pounds, which is average.
That’s not just any old Blue. That’s “Old Crusty”.