The Record’s Story on Sunday’s Walk, Plus Full List

The Record had a nice story on yesterday's Mill Creek Marsh on Page L-3 in today's editions.

You can read the story here.

You can read more about Mill Creek Marsh here.

For a list of the birds we saw, including Red-winged Blackbird (pictured on a Sweet Gum tree, above) read on.

Meadowlands IBA–Mill Creek Marsh, Hudson, US-NJ
Jan 1, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
Comments:     This was the first Sunday of the month walk sponsored by Bergen Audubon and the NJ Meadowlands Commission.
26 species

Canada Goose  X

Mallard  X

Northern Shoveler  X

Green-winged Teal  X

Great Blue Heron  X

Northern Harrier  X

Sharp-shinned Hawk  X

Red-tailed Hawk  X

American Kestrel  X

Ring-billed Gull  X

Herring Gull  X

Great Black-backed Gull  X

Mourning Dove  X

American Crow  X

Black-capped Chickadee  X

Winter Wren  X

Northern Mockingbird  X

European Starling  X

Song Sparrow  X

Swamp Sparrow  X

White-throated Sparrow  X

Northern Cardinal  X

Red-winged Blackbird  X

Common Grackle  X

House Finch  X

House Sparrow  X

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