Daily Archives: August 23, 2012

River Barge Park: Bald Eagle at 4:50 p.m.

1-Eagle at River Barge Park 8-23-12 001
The Meadowlands Commission's Angelo Urato is reporting an adult Bald Eagle just north of River Barge Park in Carlstadt. Says Angelo:

"Around 4:30 I spotted a Bald Eagle flying over River Barge Park.  It flew over the lower  Kane site and rested in  one of the trees  where the Red-tail nest is. 

"After a few minutes it took off toward the Secaucus High School took an fish out of the river and returned back to the tree.  Wish I had my better camera but here is one of my photos ." (Thanks, Angelo!)

Let's hope it hangs around for tonight's NJMC Pontoon Boat cruise!


Disposal Road Kestrel

Ron Shields writes:

"I happened upon this guy Wednesday afternoon on Disposal Road. My apologies to Dennis Cheeseman for spooking this bird the other day."

(Thanks, Ron– but Sorry, Dennis!)

Tomorrow: Some amazing Kestrel News! Seriously!

Tuesday’s Harrier and DeKorte Walks: The Full Lists


Lots of great birds on Tuesday's combined guided walk at Harrier Meadow and DeKorte Park's Marsh Discovery Trail.

1-IMG_0087We saw the Tricolored Heron (yawn) and several Least Bitterns (ho hum) as well as the Little Blue (left) and a Pied-billed Grebe (seen by some at harrier on Tuesday but photographed today).

Full lists follow.

Thanks to the dozens of genial folks who joined us!

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Sand Wasps as Predators

1-DSCN5073 1-DSCN5075Hope Abrams noticed that the Sand Wasps on DeKorte Park's Teal Pool beach were bringing prey into their nesting holes — snacks for their larvae.

Hope thinks the prey in these photos may be some sort of shield bug. Any thoughts? 

(Thanks, Hope!)

Coming Soon: ‘The Nature of the Meadowlands’

1-Nature of Meadowlands coverWe just got our advance copy of  "The Nature of the Meadowlands," and we have to say that it looks pretty cool.

With a foreword by N.J. Governor Thomas H. Kean, the lavishly illustrated, 128-page coffee-table book illuminates the region's natural and unnatural history —  from its darkest days of a half-century ago to its  environmental revival.

It also celebrates the amazing landscapes and parks to be found here, including DeKorte Park, the Kearny Marsh and Secaucus’s Laurel Hill.

And it features some striking images, frompresent-day nature and landscape photography to pictures of an old Secaucus pig farm, a "Sopranos" landmark, a Harp Seal in Carlstadt, an Eastern Coyote on a Meadowlands landfill, and rare Laurel Hill minerals. In short, expect the unexpected.

To reserve your signed copy  (copies) now and get a 20 percent discount good through October 1, 2012, e-mail Jim at jim.wright (at) njmeadowlands.gov.  He will be happy to notify you by e-mail when the book arrives.

More information follows.

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‘Juvenile Row’ @ DeKorte

1-Juvenile RowBrandon Caswell writes:

I have been down to DeKorte quite a bit lately and I am getting some good advice and pointers from a bunch of the regular bird photographers in the area.

Ron Shields h gave me the idea of this picture as his lens was too big for it.  I got lucky and at one point there were two juvenile Forster's Terns, the Tricolored and what appears to be a juvenile Herring Gull.  Using a higher aperture I was somehow able to get them all in focus. 

I just think it is funny because all the birds are juveniles and they are all successively alternating their points of view (viewer's right, left, right, left starting with the front tern).  There is never a dull moment at DeKorte.

Brandon calls the photo "Juvenile Row." Thanks, Brandon!