Daily Archives: August 9, 2012

Kevin Karlson Describes His Saturday Shorebird Event

Kevin Karlson photo for print- 7-10Professional nature photographers Kevin Karlson (right) and Lloyd Spitalnik are offering a free day of events at DeKorte Park on Saturday. Kevin sent us the following description of all the programming — which include some amazing stuff you won't want to miss, including a free hands-on photography seminar and a look at their new book:

Two 90-minute bird walks in the morning (8:15 and 10:15 a.m.) will concentrate on shorebirds and any other birds that we see around the Meadowlands Environment Center and on the Marsh Discovery Trail.

After lunch, I will give a short presentation on “Tips for Being a Better Birder” (1/2 hour), after which I will show new digital comparative photo arrays from my upcoming book “Birding by Impression” in the Roger Tory Peterson Reference Series.

Detailed descriptions of the afternoon programs follow.

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Don Torino’s Latest Wildnewjersey.tv Column

Don Torino, a leader on our Meadowlands Commission/Bergen County Audubon Society's regular walks, write a regular column for the wildnewjersey.tv blog.

His latest column is on how a love of nature keeps you young — and mentions the Meadowlands:

"Some of my fondest memories of old friends and family members (Some that DSCN0040have moved on or are no longer with me) always seem to drift back to times we spent as kids.

Summers when we stayed out from dawn till dusk in the Meadowlands, as long our parents had to send other kids out to look for us. …

"The memories are ones I think nature was kind enough to give to us.

"They are the memories that makes us smile when no one is looking, ones that remind us despite our age that the child that always loved nature it still in us, it has never left."

The link is here.

More About that Banded Peregrine!

Two weeks ago, we posted an item about spotting a banded Peregrine on a former landfill in Rutherford.

We got close enough to photograph both the bird and the band, and sent the info along to our banding experts. We got a nifty reply from Christopher A. Nadareski,  Section Chief, NYC Environmental Protection:

"Great news! One of three I banded at the Met Life Building on 5/12/2012.  Her FWS band is: 1947-03231.  Had two siblings (one male and one female)."

More information follows.

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Ray Duffy: DeKorte Bird Report

Ray Duffy writes:

"No luck with the Tricolored Heron or Least Bittern between 6-7pm.  I had a green-winged teal in the channel near the 4th blind from the main entrance of the Marsh Discovery Trail.

"I also had two Osprey chasing a Common Raven along Valley Brook." (Thanks, Ray!)