Daily Archives: August 8, 2012

Tricolored Heron at DeKorte!

Roy Woodford got this shot of a Tricolored Heron in the Shorebird Pool late yesterday afternoon. Looks like you could see it from the shoreline by the VIsitors Parking Lot just inside DeKorte. Not sure if it is still around.

Roy says:  "It was around 5:45 PM on Tuesday … I was standing on the shore walk facing the Turnpike.  Looking in that direction there are two islands.  I had a Green Heron fly in and land on the left island. 

"The Tricolored Heron flew in from the south and landed between the two islands where the rest of the Egrets were hanging out. 

"I only got three shots before he flew around the back of the left island.  It's a huge crop on that shot … even at 800mm."

Will post any more sightings if/when we hear of them. (Thanks, Roy!)

Ron Shields’ Kearny Marsh Report: Bitterns Plus

Ron Shields writes:

I had a chance to kayak the Kearny Marsh this weekend and was not disappointed.

1-Copy of IMG_0475As stated in your earlier post on the blog, shorebirds have arrived in big numbers. As these images suggest, Semipalmated Plovers, yellowlegs and Semipalmated Sandpipers dominated the mudflats. 

In addition, a most cooperative pair of juvenile Black-crowned Night Herons allowed for numerous no-crop photos with a 400mm lens. 

I sighted three Least Bitterns throughout the impoundment and had good looks at a half-dozen Common Gallinules (Moorhens), too.

More pix and sightings follow.

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Kevin Karlson Shorebird Day is Saturday–& It’s Free

The Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen 1-Kevin publicity photo for print- 7-10County Audubon Society are proud to present our 4th Annual Kevin Karlson Shorebird Day on Saturday, Aug. 11.

Water levels in the Shorebird Poll will be lower through next weekend, so we expect to see some great birds.

Bring your own lunch and beverages, sunblock and binoculars.

Download a flyer  here. Details follow.

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