Jim Wright, who keeps this blog, also writes a twice-monthly nature column for the South Bergenite. His latest is an interview with author/photographer Kevin Karlson:
Four summers ago, the Meadowlands Commission invited well-known nature photographer and author Kevin Karlson to host a day for the public at DeKorte Park.
The plan was for Karlson, a Bergen County native and Ramapo College alumnus, to lead bird walks, offer photography seminars, and talk about his latest publishing projects — all free of charge to the public.
When Kevin and I drove to DeKorte that morning, it was pouring rain, and we wondered if anyone would be there for the event. To our eternal surprise, 85 people showed up, and Kevin Karlson Shorebird Day was born.
Fast-forward to August 2013, and the event — cosponsored by the Bergen County Audubon Society — is in its fifth year. On Saturday, starting at 8:15 a.m., Kevin and fellow ace nature photographer Lloyd Spitalnik will once again to help folks connect with nature. It promises to be a great day.
We recently interviewed Kevin between his national appearances. Here are some highlights: Continue reading