Daily Archives: August 8, 2013

South Bergenite Column on Kevin Karlson

White-rumped Sandpiper August molting to nonbreeding plumage
Jim Wright, who keeps this blog, also writes a twice-monthly nature column for the South Bergenite. His latest is an interview with author/photographer Kevin Karlson:

Four summers ago, the Meadowlands Commission invited well-known nature photographer and author Kevin Karlson to host a day for the public at DeKorte Park.

The plan was for Karlson, a Bergen County native and Ramapo College alumnus, to lead bird walks, offer photography seminars, and talk about his latest publishing projects — all free of charge to the public.

When Kevin and I drove to DeKorte that morning, it was pouring rain, and we wondered if anyone would be there for the event.  To our eternal surprise, 85 people showed up, and Kevin Karlson Shorebird Day was born.

Fast-forward to August 2013, and the event — cosponsored by the Bergen County Audubon Society — is in its fifth year. On Saturday, starting at 8:15 a.m., Kevin and fellow ace nature photographer Lloyd Spitalnik will once again to help folks connect with nature. It promises to be a great day.

We recently interviewed Kevin between his national appearances. Here are some highlights: Continue reading

Dragonfly ID Needed!

Kurt Muenz writes:

I was at DeKorte yesterday (Aug. 7) and photographed a dragonfly (2 images attached), which could be a first record for Spot-winged Glider in Bergen Co. It was buzzing around,  about 150 feet out onto the Transco Trail. I’ve submitted my ID and these same images for review by Odonata Central (the Ode equivalent to eBird) along with the following note:

“Relatively new to ode photography and ID, so pls. consider above ID as tentative and review in-flight photos submitted. Believe it to be immature female per text in Paulson Eastern Field Guide.

If ID correct, it would be a first listing for Bergen County. If incorrect, would appreciate learning actual ID.  (Thanks, Kurt — can anyone help?)Spot-wingedGlider(f-imm)-DeKorteParkNJ-08-6-13-b(1)

The Latest from Sunset Mike!

Mike Maddaloni is in the Meadowlands taking sunrise and sunset shots so often that some of the other photographers have apparently taken to calling him “Sunset Mike.”

Here’s the latest word from Mike:

I have TONS to share, from lightning storms to great sunrises and new stuff from Mill Creek and elsewhere …

I also have a pretty much finished with a video of that time lapse stuff I was doing, if you could share that there have been MANY people I run into in DeKorte that wanted to see how the shots with my “contraption” turned out (above).

It took 2 months of capturing shots to get it ready. (Thanks, Mike!)