Monthly Archives: January 2014

Marco Van Brabant’s DeKorte Deep Freeze PIx

8-_MVB5227-JWMarco Van Brabant writes:

I went on an early morning walk through DeKorte before work on Tuesday.

Thoroughly bundled up, just a slit of about one inch uncovered so I could see where I went.

My greatest fear was that my two hats would be blown off my head, as I’d be in serious trouble then.

The wind was severe on the Transco and Saw Mill trails, but is was a great experience to be out in the elements, and it was interesting to see how our beloved DeKorte looks covered in ice.

Very little open water. While still in the car before going out, I had set the binoculars to an average distance, as in this kind of cold it is very difficult to turn the focusing wheel. Bufflehead, Mallards and Geese, is all I could see through these binos.   (Thanks, Marco!)

Mike Girone Peregrine Pix

1-pefa24Mike Girone passed along these New Years’ Day photos of a DeKorte Park Peregrine enjoying its first meal of the year with gusto — then trying to get some exercise.

We’ve seen toddlers who are neater eaters. (Thanks, Mike!)

The Winners: Meadowlands Big Year

DSCN9973Here are the final tallies of  the 2013 Meadowlands Big Year contest.

What a year — we had two birders break Chris Takacs 2012 record of 211 species — NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse had a total of 220 species, and Chris was not far behind at 213.

The top winners this year are Ray Duffy with 187 species (lives in the district) and Dennis Cheeseman with 171 species (lives out of district).  Jackie DeMarco placed a close second with170 species, and Zach Batren and Mike Wolfe were close behind.  A great job by all entrants!

Each winner receives their choice of a copy of “The Nature of the Meadowlands,” the NJMC’s coffee-table book, or “Meadowlands,” Tom Yezerski’s wonderful children’s book — plus a signed Osprey print from Tom’s book.

In addition — and most important — the Bergen County Audubon Society is donating $220 in Ray’s name to the NJMC for native plants. (Thank you, BCAS!) The top three winners in each category will receive a certificate from the Bergen County Audubon Society at the group’s next meeting, on Wednesday at the Teaneck Creek Conservancy,  20 Puffin Way, Teaneck.

Congrats to all for competing. Most of the tallies are up from last year — a testament to the great birding we had in the Meadowlands in 2013.

We hope you had fun near to home, and saw lots of great birds.

Keep in mind that some birders were in the Meadowlands all the time, and others got here occasionally, so their birdage may differ drastically.

Final tallies follow. Continue reading

News Article on Ridgefield Park Eagle Gathering

Stacy Rosenfeld of the Ridgefield Park Patriot wrote a nice story about the gathering of 12 Bald Eagles by the Ridgefield Park nest. Here’s the beginning of the story:


A bald eagle is captured hunting at Overpeck Creek in Ridgefield Park.

A bald eagle is captured hunting at Overpeck Creek in Ridgefield Park.

Frigid temperatures and a small break in an otherwise frozen Overpeck Creek, have attracted nearly a dozen eagles to the Ridgefield Park eagles’ nest, and the event was captured on video recording.

On New Year’s Day, approximately 12 eagles gathered in the trees around the nest, according to Stephen Quinn, member of the Ridgefield Park Environmental Commission. A local videographer captured the event, and posted his observations to the video sharing website YouTube.

“These are images one would expect to film in the Alaska Chilkat River Eagle Preserve, not in Ridgefield Park, a mere mile and a half from New York City,” Quinn beamed.

The link is here.

Bird Report: Long-tailed Duck@Laurel Hill

Jill Homcy writes:

Stopped at Laurel Hill at lunchtime yesterday and, boy, what a day! In a quick loop around due to being short on time I saw a bald eagle, 2 peregrines, horned larks, 75 Canada Geese, Gadwall, Mallards, Northern Pintails, Common Mergansers, Hooded Mergansers, Green-winged Teal, Canvasback and a Long-tailed Duck.

Also saw a Great Blue Heron, Great  Black-backed Gull, the usual starlings, cardinals and these sparrows. If I had had more time I’m sure I would have been able to up the species count. There was so much activity on the water it was wonderful.   (Thanks, Jill!)

Our Latest South Bergenite Column: 2014


Jim Wright, who keeps this blog for the N.J. Meadowlands Commission, also writes a twice-monthly nature column for the South Bergenite. Here’s his latest.

This time of year is an ideal time to look ahead — with an eye to the past.

In January of last year, the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC), literally faced a rebuilding year. As 2013 began, the Meadowlands District’s parks and natural areas were still in tough shape from the devastation of Superstorm Sandy.

Over the course of several months, with a big assist from volunteers, the commission repaired and reopened its parks and most of its trails. Continue reading

Bird Report: Short-Eared Owls Today

Rob Fanning reports:

Finally saw my first ever Short-eared Owls for the Meadowlands this morning. I briefly had a bird flying toward a perched Rough-leg this AM on Disposal Road around 7:30ish.

Later it or another was being chased/harrassed by a mob of crows. 2 Light-phase Roughies today, and 2 Harriers incl a Gray Ghost which also interacted w/ the perched Roughie.

(Thanks, Rob!)