Daily Archives: December 2, 2014

Tuesday Teaser 120214

1-IMG_7769-001We saw this guy foraging along the road in lousy light in Harrier Meadow today. Never flew but had a kind of goofy gait.

What is it?


Mill Creek Marsh Is Still Open!

1-DSCN9602Because of winter-weather concerns, the contractors for the Mill Creek Marsh Trail renovation have decided not to begin work this year.

They will start on March 3, 2015. They anticipate completion by the end of May 2015.

Please spread the word!  Mill Creek Marsh trails are still open.


Cedar Waxwing Jubilee @ DeKorte

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Mickey and Elaine report that as they were approaching the entrance to DeKorte Park’s Marsh Discovery Trail on Sunday afternoon, they encountered a flock of Cedar Wings gorging themselves on a crab apple tree. Here’s a sample of their photos. Pretty amazing!  (Thanks, Mickey and Elaine!)

What to Expect in December

_MVB4682-02-copyTo see what we might see this month in the Meadowlands, we thought we’d look back and check what was seen last year in December,  and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed.

Here’s December. (Thanks to all!) Just click on the text to see the post.

December 4: Nelson’s Sparrow@Mill Creek Marsh on Tuesday

December 5: Nifty Article on the Schuyler Copper Mine

December 11: Fog Fotos from Marco van Brabant  (above)

December 12: South Bergenite Column: Christmas Bird Count

December 13: Losen Slote in Snow Time

December 27: Welcome to DucKorte Park

December 30: Meadowlands Mystery Rock

December 31:  Peregrinating young Peregrine