Monthly Archives: January 2015

Disposal Road Is Closed!

Just got this important message and wanted to pass it along:

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, Disposal Road is closed.

There is a substantial construction project under way along the road and we do not want to compromise your safety or the well-being of the construction crew.

Please use Valley Brook Avenue to access DeKorte Park.

We appreciate your cooperation.

Will try to find our more info tomorrow (Thursday).

Jill Homcy’s Eagle Pix

Homcy eagle 2


Jill Homcy writes:

it was a great day in Ridgefield Park last week. I saw Alice the Bald Eagle perched above the nest one day, and the next day Al was actually in the nest.

Several of us  saw them flying and, later in the day, combining efforts to chase off a juvie that was perched on the nest tree when they arrived home at about 2 p.m.

(Thanks, Jill!)


homcy eagle1


Ron Shields’ Talk Is Next Wednesday!

IMG_1271Ron Shields, the dean of Meadowlands nature photography, is presenting a talk and slide show on “The Birds of the Meadowlands” next Wednesday (Jan. 14) at the Meadowlands Environment Center in DeKorte Park at 2 p.m.

Here’s a small sampling of his work.  (More info on the talk follows.)

Continue reading

Regina Geoghan: ‘The Greatest Gifts’

Feb 18_FrozenMarshDeKorteParkSM_ReginaGeoghan_5094Regina Geoghan, a friend of this blog, has a new column on about nature’s bountiful and enduring gifts, and it features what sure look like a lot of photos from the Meadowlands.

Here’s a sample:

“As I think back over 2014, there is another kind of gift that I want to write about. They are gifts that might be expected or unexpected; gifts that are often not touchable or wearable or even easily describable.

“They are the day-o-day gifts that can cause me to fall asleep with a smile on my face or to wake up in the morning and bound out of bed in anticipation.

“They are the gifts that seem to never wear out or become out of date and that are remembered long after receiving them.”

(Thanks, Regina!)

The link is here.

Tuesday Teaser 010615: Pellet-pourri

What better way to start the new year than a trifecta Tuesday Teaser owl-pellet-palooza?

Can you identify the species of owls that coughed these pellets in the Meadowlands? (Click image to enlarge.)

We are certain of two of the three pellet producers, and have a hunch who the other coughivore was.

BTW, we are thinking that the two pellets in the middle photo are a former small mammal and a former small bird. All part of the food chain, folks.

Also, to be clear, the owls did not cough up the quarter or the ruler. They are included to give you a sense of size. That said, if you do come across any sort of an animal coughing up coinage, please let us know. We promise to put the money to good use.

Answers on Thursday.

A Dozen Duck Species @ DeKorte Today

IMG_8969Saw Mill Creek Tidal Impoundment had at least 11 duck species this dreary a.m., and the adjacent frozen Shorebird Pool had a lone Ruddy.

Here’s the list:

Gadwall, American Black Duck, Mallard, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, Canvasback, Long-tailed Duck, Bufflehead, Hooded Merganser, Common Merganser, Ruddy Duck.

That’s why some call the place DucKorte Park.

Unofficial Poll: Favorite Birding Spot


To test our new polling software, we did a quick survey of folks’ favorite birding spots.

The winner was DeKorte Park (no surprise), but Disposal Road came in second and Harrier Meadow (typically closed to the public) came in third.

Interesting, to say the least.  Maybe we’ll try the same poll again later this month, now that we know the software works. Thanks to all who participated.

Don’t forget to enter our “Meadowlands Bird of the Year Poll.”  (Scroll down for the easy-to-use ballot.)

Godwit Update

The Marbled Godwit was still hanging out in the Shorebird Pool around 4:45 p.m., having survived a talons-out attack by a Northern Harrier.

Godwit can be seen as a speck above; was on the left-hand side of the right-most island.

Let’s hope it’s there again Tuesday.