Ron Shields’ Talk Is Next Wednesday!

IMG_1271Ron Shields, the dean of Meadowlands nature photography, is presenting a talk and slide show on “The Birds of the Meadowlands” next Wednesday (Jan. 14) at the Meadowlands Environment Center in DeKorte Park at 2 p.m.

Here’s a small sampling of his work.  (More info on the talk follows.)

Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Birds of the Meadowlands – All ages; BCAS and NJMC
Meadowlands Environment Center
Photographer Ron Shields presents his stunning images of the Kearny Marsh, Mill Creek Marsh, DeKorte Park and Disposal Road taken during the past four years. Many of the photos were shot from a kayak in remote areas of the region, giving the viewer a unique perspective. $6/person; $5 MEC members. BCAS members free. Register here please.

One thought on “Ron Shields’ Talk Is Next Wednesday!

  1. Mank

    My daughter and I would love to attend the presentation, but at 2:00 on Wednesday I will be at work and she will still be in school. I’m sure that most will be in the same boat. It is a shame that this could not be scheduled for a time that students and working adults might attend.


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