Sunday’s Walk, Full List, plus Pix (incl. Orange-crowned)!


We had a really enjoyable bird walk at DeKorte Park on Sunday.

Not only did we have great birds and great people, 


but the Marsh Discovery Trail is now open end to end again, which meant more time birding and less time retracing your steps.

In fact some of the best birding of the day was in the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve just off the Transco Trail — including the Orange-crowned Warbler (above), Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Brown Creeper.

A big thank you to Jeff Nicol for providing the photos here, to Denise Farrell and Julie McCall for the bird list that follows, and to all who attended on Sunday.

Full list and more pix follow.  (We apologize for the slightly disjointed list but the blog software has been acting up.)

Richard W. DeKorte Park, Bergen, US-NJ
Feb 5, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments:     This was the SuperBird Sunday walk sponsored by Bergen County Audubon and the NJ Meadowlands Commission.
30 species

Great Black-backed Gull  X
Canada Goose  X            


Gadwall  X
American Black Duck  X
Mallard  X
Northern Shoveler  X
Northern Pintail  X
Green-winged Teal  X
Canvasback  X
Lesser Scaup  X
Bufflehead  X
Ruddy Duck  X
Black-crowned Night-Heron  X
Northern Harrier  X



Common Merganser Female11-1Accipiter sp.  X





Mourning Dove  X
Downy Woodpecker  X
Brown Creeper  X
Ruby-crowned Kinglet  X
American Robin  X
Northern Mockingbird  X
European Starling  X
Orange-crowned Warbler  X     In Lyndhurst Nature Reserve at DeKorte… Seen by many….
Song Sparrow  X
White-throated Sparrow  X
Dark-eyed Junco  X                        

Northern Cardinal  X
Red-winged Blackbird  X


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