Wheatear Update 9:30 a.m. (plus Sora)


   We regret to report that as of 9:20 a.m., the Northern Wheatear has not been seen on the Transco Trail. There's a strong breeze out of the west, and there is a good chance he may be riding it.  

   He was last seen near the beginning of the trail, perched on a trail sign, a bit past 6 Thursday night.

   The water levels are still low in the IMG_9513Shorebird Pool, even for high tide, and we are pumping out water now, so this afternoon should be good for Soras (above), the Least Bittern (right) and shorebirds.   We will be posting Rob Fanning's bird list for DeKorte Thursday evening to give you an idea of all the great birds that are here.

   If you do see the Wheatear or any other "good bird" at DeKorte, please call Jim Wright on his cellphone, 201-785-6604.

   And a thank you to all the wonderful folks who visited DeKorte to see the Wheatear and other nifty birds the past few days. It was great to meet so many of you.

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