Monthly Archives: November 2009

New Feature: Directions to NJMC Sites

     Getting to many of the New Jersey Meadowlands locations can be tough — but we are trying to simplify the task.

   At the upper left-hand corner of this blog, we are posting links via Google Maps that enable you to type in your address and get directions to DeKorte Park in Secaucus and elsewhere.

     Note: With most of these Internet mapping sites, Google maps may not list the best option as the first option. Try alternate suggestions, and look at the map to get a better sense of where you need to go.

Bird Report 111009


    A walk around DeKorte early Monday afternoon found a raft of Ruddies, several Bufflehead and about a dozen Pintails — mostly on the far side of the Marsh Discovery Trail.

   Still a dozen+ yellowlegs on the edges of a little island beyond the Visitor Center.

  Also saw a flock of Cedar Waxwings on the Kingsland Overlook Trail.

  Did not see the Brant at the start of the Saw Mill Creek Trail (near the carillon) but will check again today.

Bird Banding: The Totals for the Fall Season


   In September and October, NJMC Naturalist Michael Newhouse and his dedicated band of bird-banders banded 46 species and nearly 3,000 birds in all.

   Bird most likely to be banded — the Savannah Sparrow, with more than 700 banded. It is a threatened species in New Jersey. (Pictured at right, a confusing Black-throated Blue Warbler, one of the 46 species.)

   For a look at the variety of birds that use the former landfills in the Meadowlands each fall, check out the full list of banded birds. 

 Click "Continue reading…" for the full list.

 Click here for all Meadowlands Blog posts on bird banding.

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Bird Reports 110809 Part II

  Neil Maruca sez: "Meadowlands was birdy, but not a lot of rarities. Highlights:

Mehrhof Pond– 520 Ruddy Ducks, 11 Ring Necks, 8 Lesser Scaup, 6 Hooded
Valley Brook Rd– Red Shouldered Hawk
DeKorte– Dowitcher sp. (probably Long Billed), 30 Greater Yellowlegs, 120
Kearny East-100+ Pintails, Great Cormorant

Bird Reports 110809

  Ray Duffy sez: "I got my first fall Fox Sparrows in Schmidt’s today (Saturday). There were 2 that I saw and I think a third calling."

  Julie McCall reports: "There was a very cooperative brant (presumably the same bird from the earlier post?) there again today (Saturday), keeping company with a pair of Canada Geese. Closest look I've gotten of one. They're quite pretty birds."

Bird Report 110709


   A quick walk around DeKorte at Lunch on Friday found one lone Great Egret (above), lots of yellowlegs, several skittish Green-winged Teal (including the one below). 20+ Buffleheads, 20+ Ruddies, 8 Gadwalls, 4 Black Ducks, a few Mallards and two DC Cormorants.