Monthly Archives: December 2009

History Project: The Richard W. DeKorte Legacy

6a00e553bb7c20883401287666985e970c  We recently interviewed Paulette Ramsey, who talks about her late husband, Richard W. DeKorte, and his foresight and contributions to the Meadowlands.

   As a state assemblyman in the late 1960s, DeKorte was instrumental in crafting the legislation that created the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission. DeKorte Park is named in his honor.

   DeKorte also laid out the foundation for the region’s environmental restoration and economic development over the past four decades.

 6a00e553bb7c20883401287666a89e970cHe also laid out the foundation for the region’s environmental restoration and economic development over the past four decades.

   In the interviews, Mrs. Ramsey talks about her late husband’s foresight and contributions to the Meadowlands, as well as NJMC’s collaboration with Ramapo College and the district today.

A plaque (above) in the lobby of the NJMC Administration Building at DeKorte Park honors his memory.

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Tomorrow’s DeKorte Walk

P1020864 Nothern Shrike
    Tomorrow's "End of the Year" Walk, in cooperation with Bergen County Audubon, meets in the Environmental Center lobby at 10 a.m. on Tuesday because of the severe cold. Be aware that the Meadwolands also gets very windy this time of year, so dress warmly!

   Here's the plan: We'll do a quick walk for ducks at DeKorte, then head out to Disposal Road to look for the Shrike, which has been hanging around for more than two weeks now.

   We'll then head back to the Environment Center for hot cocoa and cookies — we'll fire up the projector and show some pix of the Northern Shrike Winter Raptors and some yet-to-be-posted pix of Snow Buntings and Horned Larks photographed in the Meadowlands last week…

  Walk leader Don Torino notes: "Saw the Shrike today along with a lot of other birders. It was great to see the Shrike but the Raptors were putting on a great show as well, 4 Harriers over the landfill were working the meadow and sparring with each other, along with two Redtails in the mix. Should be a fun trip."

  Thanks to Pam Mistretta for the Northern Shrike photo above — she took it on Sunday.

  (Note: We also have a  New Year's walk with Bergen County Audubon this Sunday at DeKorte at 10 a.m. Will post more later.)

2009, A Look Back: September

   The year 2009 marked the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission's 40th anniversary and a major expansion of our nature programs. We thought we'd celebrate by looking back at 2009, month by month.

   Here are some highlights from September:

   September 1: DeKorte Park, 5:55 a.m.

   September 4: Princefisher

   September 9: Yellow-crowned at Saw Mill

   September 10: Aerial Photos of Harrier Meadow

   September 14: Touch-Me-Not

   September 15: Joy in Mudville

   September 15: Northern Wheatear Confirmed!

   September 18: More about the DeKorte Wheatear

   September 19: Sora! Sors! Sora! (Above)

   September 20: Wilson's Phalarope 

    September 25: Least Bittern

    September 30. Small-mouth Bass, Kearny Marsh

Bird Report 122709 (Shrike Still Here)

   Neil Maruca reports: Disposal Rd had the Northern Shrike, seen twice briefly between 11am and noon near the retention pond. Also around DeKorte today, American Pipit, 5 harriers, and a Rough-legged Hawk (light phase).

  Mehrhof had 14 Lesser Scaup, 2 Ring Neck Ducks, 40 GW Teal, 150 Ruddies, 8  Common & 9 Hooded Mergs, Kingfisher.

    Cromakill Marsh held 100 Ring-billed Gull, 150 GW Teal, and 20 Ruddies. (Thanks, Neil!)

2009, A Look Back: August

   The year 2009 marked the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission's 40th anniversary and a major expansion of our nature programs. We thought we'd celebrate by looking back at 2009, month by month.

   Here are some highlights from August:

   August 3: Hummingbird Moths Are Here

   August 5: Skeetkill Marsh, Mid-Summer (Above)

    August 11: First Fritillary

    August 19: Cedar Waxwing at Harrier Meadow

    August 20: Crabs DuJour

    August 24: Cicada Cacophony

    August 27: Egret Turf Wars

    August 31: More Cormorant Antics  


Shrike Report 122609

   Julie McCall reports: "I saw the shrike Friday from 11:45 til about noon, squabbling with a mockingbird (and a downy woodpecker, of all things), and singing like nobody's business, close enough to watch without my binoculars."

   Thanks, Julie!

    For her extended report, including a mention of a cane she found, click "Continue reading…" immediately below.

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2009, A Look Back: July

IMG_9942-1 The year 2009 marked the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission's 40th anniversary and a major expansion of our nature programs. We thought we'd celebrate by looking back at 2009, month by month.

   Here are some highlights from July:

   July 6: Butterfly in Progress

   July 6: A Walk to Remember (Black Skimmers)

   July 9: Baby Waxwing?

   July 10: (Young) Peregrine's Progress

   July 13: Cormorant Vs. Eel

   July 15: Osprey Nest in Kearny

  July 28: Butterfly Report (Viceroy)

  July 29: Praying Mantis


2009, A Look Back: June

    The year 2009 marked the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission's 40th anniversary and a major expansion of our nature programs. We thought we'd celebrate by looking back at 2009, month by month.

   Here are some highlights from June:

   June 5: Snowy Egret, Breeding Plumage 

   June 8: Great Egret!

    June 8: Black-necked Stilt at Harrier

    June 10: Awesome Aerial Photography

    June 11: Diamondback Terrapin Up-close

    June 15: DeKorte's First Daylily

    June 17: Silver-spotted Skipper

    June 24: Amazing Cormorant Rescue

    June 25: Exciting News: Partnership with BCAS

    June 26: Forster's Terns in Love at DeKorte

    June 29: Peregrines Thriving on Hackensack River Bridges