Monthly Archives: June 2010

Great Article on NJMC Bird-banding

  Banding1 John Soltes, editor-in-chief of The Leader, wrote a great story on the bird-banding efforts of the Meadowlands Commission.
   Here's the opening:

   This traill’s flycatcher of undetermined gender weighs 16 grams, is 71 mm in length and was most likely hatched a couple of years ago. The fair colors of its plumage belie an avian normalcy — to the untrained eye, it looks like just another bird in the sky.
   But this winged creature, which calls the Meadowlands home for at least part of the year, is different. On the right leg of this flycatcher, who is smaller than the palm of one’s hand, is a little silver-colored metal band displaying its new name: 2610-14799.
   Looking like a person on probation sporting an ankle bracelet, this bird is part of a larger community of 8,000 friends who have been banded by the field specialists at the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission, the state agency that has zoning rights over the wetlands in the area.

  Read the full story here.
  Soltes also wrote a great story earlier this year about Harrier Meadow. Link is here.

Kearny Marsh Cleanup: June 6

  IMG_0092-1  As part of National Trail Day Weekend, the N.J. Meadowlands Commission is  sponsoring a two-hour clean-up at the Kearny Marsh this Sunday at 10 a.m.  We could really use your help!
   We will clean the trails by foot, and the marsh by canoe. We'll also trim the trials.
   We’ll meet at the northeast corner of the Gunnel Oval off Schuyler Avenue  at 10 a.m. (directions are on in the left-hand column), or you can also meet us at the visitors’ parking lot at DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst at 9:40 a.m. and we can carpool.
   We’ll supply trash bags and water, but bring your own weed clippers and work gloves. We’ll also supply canoes, paddles and life vests.
    The cleanup is co-sponsored by the Bergen County Audubon Society and Northern New Jersey Cachers. Waste Management was nice enough to provide a Dumpster. (A big thank you to all!)
   Check for last-minute updates and weather advisories. To rsvp, contact Don Torino of the BCAS at or 201-636-4022.

Bat Counters Wanted

    If you know of any bat roosts near you, read on.  Conservationists need your help.
   MacKenzie Hall of the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey writes:
n 2009, New Jersey Summer Bat Count data helped us measure the impact of White-nose Syndrome on NJ's bats. 
   "How many bats had died?  Would the survivors be able to heal and to raise young?  The answers may be more complex than we imagined.  Read our 2009 report here (
Download Cwnj_3.
   "Information from citizen scientists is just as important this year, whether the bats at your roost site have increased, decreased, or disappeared altogether."

  More information follows.

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Flyway Gallery: June

Bobbi Brick1
    The New Jersey Meadowlands Commission’s Flyway Gallery will host an exhibit featuring oil works and sepia sketches by local artist Bobbi Brick
during June.
   Bobbi is also known by her former and current married names, Pagani and Cammarano. The exhibit, “Inside/Outside,” runs from Monday, June 7, through Thursday, July 1. A reception for the artist is scheduled for Sunday June 13 from noon until 2:30 p.m.

   More images and more information follow.

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