Monthly Archives: July 2010

Help With a Citizen-Science Shorebird Survey

  Nellie Tsipoura of the New Jersey Audubon Society writes:

    NJAS is currently recruiting volunteers for bird surveys coordinated through the Citizen Science Program. Participants must have some prior experience in shorebird identification and be willing to commit three days a month in August, September and October to conducting bird surveys.
   Shorebird survey volunteers are needed for the New Jersey Meadowlands and some coastal sites. Shorebird Associates are required to survey their site every 10 days (and at least 5 days apart) during southbound (fall) migration: Now to October 31st.
   For more information on this project, contact Nellie Tsipoura,
   Training in identification and count methodology will be provided by NJ Audubon.
   The NJAS Citizen Science program is a collaborative effort of NJAS, the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife's Endangered and Nongame Species Program (ENSP) Data collected will further our knowledge of bird distribution and abundance in New Jersey.

A Time To Remember

   Today, July 17, is the 14th anniversary of the crash of TWA Flight 800. The Jill Ann Ziemkiewicz Butterfly Garden is named for the youngest member of the flight crew, a 23-year-old Rutherford.
   An article about the Jill and the garden is here.

Least Terns at DeKorte and Harrier Meadow


   We saw three Least Terns yesterday afternoon over one of the impoundments at Harrier, and another was seen near the entrance to the Saw Mill Creek Trail earlier in the day.
   We are also seeing Greater Yellowlegs and assorted sandpipers, including the Solitary Sandpiper below. Fall migration appears to be under way…


Bald Eagle(s) at Keegan Landfill

Copy of Copy of IMG_0101-1     For the past week or so, we have been getting reports of one or more Bald Eagles hanging out at the Keegan Landfill in Kearny.
   Alas, we have not had the opportunity to get dwon to the landfill and see for ourselves.
   Fortunately, Ron Shields took a few shots from his kayak in the Kearny Marsh. He writes that the two shots were taken roughly 30 minutes apart, but that he thinks the photos are of the same bird.
   At least one other Bald Eagle has been seen at Keegan of late — a mature Bald Eagle. (Thanks, Ron!)

   We do get Bald Eagle sightings at DeKorte from time to time, including this one from March, when Bald Eagles and gulls were competing for fish. They are always awesome to see in the wild.

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Nesting Cliff Swallows at DeKorte!

    The NJMC's Jim Wright wrote this nature column about nesting Cliff Swallows for the current editions of The South Bergenite.

   Ever since the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission began a nesting-box program more than a decade ago, DeKorte Park has been  an attractive neighborhood for hundreds upon hundreds of Tree Swallows, those fast-flying iridescent-blue marvels that zip back and forth across the open water  in search of insects.
    This year, we have had a new type of swallow for a tenant – nesting Cliff Swallows. But these birds aren't taking up residence in the wooden nest boxes — they've made their own mud-walled homes under the Meadowlands Environmental Center’s Marshview Pavilion.
“The Cliff Swallows are our ‘bird of the year’,” says NJMC Naturalist Gabrielle Bennett Meany. “We occasionally see these unusual birds as they pass through in the spring, but this is our first record of a nesting pair.”
    Bennett-Meany explains why it’s significant that the birds are nesting: “This is big news because these beautiful birds are listed on the state’s ‘birds of special concern’ list – which means that they warrant special attention because of evidence they’re vulnerable or in decline.”

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