Daily Archives: October 19, 2011

Documenting a King Tide: Part 1

In anticipation of next week's "King Tide," the highest tide of the year, we took a photo today for comparison — as part of a nationwide program.

Today's high tide at River Barge Park, at 1:28 p.m., was 5 feet, 10 inches. On the launch ramp, 27 treads were exposed.

The New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program writes: "As part of an effort across the country to raise awareness about sea level rise, the Harbor Estuary will be coordinating photo documentation of the King Tide.

"The King Tide is not caused by sea level rise, but gives us an idea of what average high tide levels are likely to be in 20-30 years."

We'll post a new photo from the same vantage point after next week's King Tide — plus this pic, for comparison.