Daily Archives: October 28, 2011

High Tides Bringing Shorebirds to DeKorte

IMG_9831DeKorte has had enough mudflats of late to attract some migrating shorebirds at high tide elsewhere. We saw Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Pectoral Sandpipers and Least Sandpipers. Dunlin have also been reported.

Today's (Friday's) high tide was roughly around 12:30 p.m. Saturday it will be roughly 1:30, and Sunday it'll be roughly 2:30 (but hard to say that any will still be around, given the snow in the forecast).

There has been a nice little stretch of mud on the right side of the Marsh Discovery Trail, a bit after the first learning station on the right…IMG_9893

Documenting a King Tide: Part 2

P1030921King Tide; 10:40 a.m., October 28, 2011; 7 feet, 10 inches

IMG_0028Normal High Tide, 1:28 p.m., October 19, 2011; 5 feet 10 inches

Yesterday and today, we had  a "King Tide," the highest tide of the year. We took a photo today, and another nine days ago — as part of a nationwide program.

At today's high tide at River Barge Park, 16 treads on the launch ramp were exposed. At the high tide 10 days ago,  27 treads were exposed.

The New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program writes: "As part of an effort across the country to raise awareness about sea level rise, the Harbor Estuary will be coordinating photo documentation of the King Tide.

"The King Tide is not caused by sea level rise, but gives us an idea of what average high tide levels are likely to be in 20-30 years."

November Walks

The Meadowlands Commission and Bergen County Audubon Society are sponsoring two walks in November — to Harrier Meadow on Sunday, Nov. 6, and to Mill Creek Marsh on Tuesday, Nov. 15. Both walks are at 10 a.m.

The Harrier Meadow walk will also include looking for raptors along nearby Disposal Road.

Who knows? Maybe we'll one of those Bald Eagles.

Full details follow.

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Coming Monday: Bird-Banding from a Young Perspective

The Meadowlands Commission's bird- Img073banding station hosted fourth-graders from Jefferson School in Lyndhurst earlier this month.

On Monday, we'll print some of their thank you letters — and drawings — to bird-banding project leader Mike Newhouse. 

We love the drawing at right, of — what else? — a banded bird.

(Not sure if you can read the number on the band or not…)