Jersey City Peregrines: Active Nest

New Jersey's Division of Fish and Wildlife reports that the Peregrine nest in Jersey City has its first egg  — the earliest in the season that this had been documented.

The Peregrine cam should be up and running any day.

You can read the latest news about the nest here.

(Thanks for the tip, Mike G.!)

7 thoughts on “Jersey City Peregrines: Active Nest

  1. Mike G.

    I’m sure this really caught Fish and Wildlife by surprise. The Peregrines were way ahead of the new live camera system.

  2. Mike Girone

    Yes, many nests are ahead of schedule, almost certainly due to the warm weather/lack of an actual winter. Some urban sites like Harrisburg, PA and Wilmington, DE had full clutches before JC had it’s first egg!! 3rd egg in JC was seen yesterday morning, so #4 should be visible by tomorrow morning.

  3. Cathy Clark

    I’m checking this site, as yesterday (4/15/12) while aboard the AMTRAK Crescent headed south out of NYC, I may have had a peregrine sighting. I believe we were in or close to Seacaucus, and travelling southbound there were a series of manmade lakes or marshes to our right. Perhaps a water treatment facility? There was one rather large, rusty old iron bridge and a couple of small brick buildings at water’s edge in the vicinity of where I spotted a pair of heavy-bodied raptors resembling peregrines. They seemed to be cruising over the marsh, checking out the ducks below. I’m confident they weren’t harriers. Is it reasonable to assume these may have been peregrines? Thank you.


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