You can only take so many pictures of the Tricolored Heron before you are reduced to taking pictures of people taking pictures of the Tricolored.
It was seen about 4:15 p.m. on Thursday where the Transco Trail meets the Marsh Discovery Trail. The bird has been here two weeks now.
(Have had no reports on Friday as of 4:45 p.m.)
We saw one of the Least Bitterns along Bittern Cove at the other end of the Marsh Discovery Trail (near the guardhouse) around 2:30 p.m. Friday, and others have been seen as well.
Had a Ruddy Duck in the Shorebird Pool on a few occasions recently.
Other highlights from today include two Common Ravens, a Northern Shoveler, a Harrier, at least five Kestrels (one eating a vole), and at least two peregrines. The kestrels chased the peregrines, the peregrines play/chased each other, and in general it was quite a show. The Tricolored and two of the Bitterns were seen frequently throughout the day.
What time is the Disposal Road show? Early in the morning, late afternoon? It sounds like some great pics! π
The best time for pics is usually late afternoon … you’ll have the sun at your back.
@Patrick C.
With that very cooperative juv. Kestrel any time during the day is good π He has multiple favorite perches close to the road, giving great opportunity to walk around to get theΒ “sun at your back”. Photos that Jim posted today, and video, were taken around 10am.
Midday hours are worst for distant photography, mostly due to the harsh light and heat wave that distorts/blurs photos – long telephoto lens problems π
If you are more into the birds in-flight photography, late afternoon is best, as Roy mentioned.Β
As for activity, I think there are no rules/schedule. Patience is the key π
Thanks everyone!