Get out your binoculars — and send us your Meadowlands Big Year totals as of Jan. 31!
The rules are simple, even if the prizes aren't nailed down yet.
The goal is to see as many different bird species as possible in the 14 towns of the Meadowlands District over the course of 2012 — and also to have fun birding.
To ensure a level playing field, all birds must be seen in areas open to the public, or on guided walks or banding events in such places as Harrier Meadow or the back of the Kingsland Landfill (this Sunday's walk is a perfect example) .
It's not too late to get started. Sunday's Super Bird Sunday walk is a great way to begin. We''ll even share a list of birds seen on the walk on, and you can delete the birds you did not see.
The idea is to promote birding in the Meadowlands, and to give area birders a competition that does not require as much travel (and gasoline consumption) as, say, a New Jersey Big Year.
To make this as fair as possible, we have two divisions: Meadowlands residents and non-Meadowlands residents.
More details follow.

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