Am. White Pelican Continues @ Kearny Marsh

White Pelican 1 White Pelican 2

Chris Takacs reports that the American White Pelican continues at the Kearny Marsh — can be seen from the abandoned railroad tracks that head out toward the turnpike.

Chris writes: “The bird was seen around 9 me from the abandoned elevated railroad tracks on the north side of the marsh.

“It was sitting on mound in the marsh at  the first train signal on the tracks. It stretched, flew around a bit and returned to the spot. It’s a good size marsh with much open water but the bird  seems to try to stay out of the wind.”

Chris also supplied the two digiscoped shots, above. (Thanks, Chris!)

One thought on “Am. White Pelican Continues @ Kearny Marsh

  1. Ron

    The white pelican was still at the Kearny Marsh as of 4:30PM today. It was observed from the railroad tracks in flight over the marsh mixed in with some gulls. It landed in back of the reed
    wall displaced by Sandy sheltered from the high winds. Great pics by Chris Takacs.


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