Monthly Archives: December 2014

2014 in Review: July

red-spotted royWe thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2014, month by month, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed. (Thanks to all!)

Just click on the text to link to the post.

July 1: Carolina Wren Tyke @ DeKorte

July 4: Nature’s Fireworks from Kearny Marsh

July 9: Red Fox at Mill Creek

July 14: Awesome Pelican Pix

July 15: Photographing DeKorte’s Wildflowers

July 16: Cool Peregrine Action

July 17: Least Bitterns @ Kearny Marsh

July 22: Moth Night: NY Times’ Coverage

July 25: Cicada Killer @ DeKorte

July 29: Box Turtle in Little Ferry

July 31: Five Years of Butterfly Days (Photo by Roy Woodford, above)

July 31: ‘Banded sandpiper at Mill Creek’

2014 in Review: June

June 23_DeKortePark-FlowerGardenSM_ReginaGeoghan_9418

We thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2014, month by month, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed. (Thanks to all!)

Just click on the text to link to the post.

June 6: Banded Bunting

June 10: Archival Pig Pix from Secaucus

June 12: Soprano Land Map of the Meadowlands

June 17: How Teal Pool Got Its Name

June 23: Bathing Beauties at DeKorte

June 26: Garden Scenes from DeKorte Park (Photo above by Regina Geoghan)

June 29: Disposal Road Grosbeak

2014 in Review: May

1-Baltimore_Oriole_1We thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2014, month by month, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed. (Thanks to all!)

Just click on the text to link to the post.

May 5: Tanager, Fox, Rainbow @ DeKorte

May 8: Yoga for Turtles

May 8: Prothonotary Warbler @ DeKorte

May 9: Baltimore Orioles at DeKorte (above)

May 11: Amazing Midge Shots

May 13: Beautiful Kearny Snail

May 16: Token Mammal Shot

May 23: Black Skimmer Count Up To 30+

May 24: Cinnamon Teal @ DeKorte

May 27: Bug Egg Casing Mystery Solved

May 30: Ruddy Turnstone @ DeKorte

Our Next Walk is Next Year! (But Soon.)


“Look, Ma! One foot!”

Kick off 2015 the right way with a free guided nature walk along the trails of scenic Mill Creek Marsh.

We are offering a 25-cent reward to the first person to see a Eurasian Green-winged Teal, a dollar (U.S.) to anyone who sees a Gyrfalcon, and a pat on the back to anyone who sees a No-Sho (Northern Shoveler, above).

Details follow. Continue reading